
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

tour south sulawesi


For those who have been to South Sulawesi certainly no stranger to this one attraction. Bantimurung a spectacular waterfall is located in the district Bantimurung Maros regency, and was in a steep limestone hill valley with lush tropical vegetation, making this area an ideal habitat for many species of butterflies and rare birds and became one its merits, this place is less labih 15 km from the city center district of Maros or about 40 miles from the city of Makassar South Sulawesi provincial capital, with the distance 30 minutes away.


The beach is located in the village of Kupa Kupa, District Mallusetasi. Its location is 40 km from the City Barru and 140 km from Makassar.

The beach is located in the VillageLapakaka new Bojo, District Mallusetasi. Its location within 49 km from the City Barru and 149 km from Makassar.
The beach is located in the Village Lembae Coppo, District Barru. The location is 3 km from the City Barru and 103 km from Makassar.
The beach is located in Ujung Batu village Sumpang binangae, within 2 km from the capital district. This location has a beautiful beach and ramps with a broad expanse of sand as a means for sunbathing. From this location can also be seen fishing boats with various accessories. These objects are in addition to having an exotic view, also supported by a good road infrastructure and close to the center of the economy.


The beach is located in the Village Pancana Pancana, District Tanete Rilau. This location is within 18 km from the City Barru and 82 km from Makassar. The beach is very beautiful especially sunset.


Terima kasih karena berkomentar dengan penuh etika
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